I have attended many, great language classes at Koreansk Kulturcenter and will continue to do so in the future. The teachers are well prepared and invested in the students' learning, and the classes are well paced, fun, and challenging. I highly recommend the place!

- Martin Pedersen

Engageret og dygtig underviser og mulighed for, at jeg kan deltage via Zoom, da jeg ikke bor i nærheden af skolen, hvor undervisningen finder sted. Man lærer også meget om koreansk kultur samtidigt med sprogundervisningen.

- Berit Jessen

Kvalitet, grundighed, nærvær, kultur og hygge!
Hvis du er interesseret i det koreanske sprog og koreansk kultur, er dette stedet at fordybe dig. Sprogundervisningen er af høj kvalitet med fokus på både det faglige og kulturelle, men også på samvær og vidensdeling. Man skal forberede sig grundigt til hver undervisningsgang, men dette fremmer kun hurtig læring og udvikling. Kan varmt anbefale King Sejong instituttet.

- Christel White

Very nice that they have online classes for people who doesn't live close to cph. The teachers are really nice and they have fun classes with different Korean activities.

- Maritte Sørensen

I have joined February 2022 as a total beginner and still continuing to study here. I can definitely recommend this school for anyone interested in starting Korean language classes. The teachers are very warm-hearted and competent in their job. The same goes for the institute managers that I had chance to meet during fun and cultural events that the school organizes regularly.

- Simon Zvalo

Great place to learn Korean in Denmark! The teachers are well qualified, curriculum is relevant and easy to follow (even though it's big). Very nice staff and students and with a lot of fun events where you can meet everyone! :)
I really like the online course which makes it possible for people outside of Copenhagen to join. And the teaching is English/Korean so you don't even need to know Danish to join.
Would highly recommend KSI Copenhagen if you want to learn Korean.

- Maria Olsen

Meget kompetente undervisere. Læringstempo har været ret højt men bliver justeret nu, så der bliver tid til at det lærte kan bundfælde sig. Hyggelige arrangementer med bl.a. fælles madlavning.

- K.E.R.